Respiratory Physiology

by ETOS Way



Respiratory system physiology application contains following chapters with their topics. This application is very easy to use. App is offline. Physiological Anatomy of Respiratory TractIntroduction, functional anatomy of respiratory tract, respiratory unit, non-respiratory functions of respiratory tract, respiratory protective reflexes. Pulmonary CirculationPulmonary blood vessels, characteristic features of pulmonary blood vessels, pulmonary blood flow, pulmonary blood pressure, measurement of pulmonary blood flow, regulation of pulmonary. Mechanics of RespirationRespiratory movements, respiratory pressures, compliance, work of breathing. Pulmonary Function TestsIntroduction, lung volumes, lung capacities, measurement of lung volumes and capacities, measurement of functional residual capacity and residual volume, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume or timed vital capacity, respiratory minute volume, maximum breathing capacity or maximum ventilation volume, peak expiratory flow rate, restrictive and obstructive respiratory diseases. VentilationVentilation, pulmonary ventilation, alveolar ventilation, dead space, ventilation-perfusion ratio. Inspired Air, Alveolar Air and Expired AirInspired air, alveolar air, expired air. Exchange of Respiratory GasesIntroduction, exchange of respiratory gases in lungs, exchange of respiratory gases at tissue level, respiratory exchange ratio, respiratory quotient. Transport of Respiratory GasesIntroduction, transport of oxygen, transport of carbon dioxide. Regulation of RespirationIntroduction, nervous mechanism, chemical mechanism. Disturbances of RespirationIntroduction, apnea, hyperventilation, hypoventilation, hypoxia, oxygen toxicity (poisoning), hypercapnea, hypocapnea, asphyxia, dyspnea, periodic breathing, cyanosis, carbon monoxide poisoning, atelectasis, pneumothorax, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema. High Altitude and Space PhysiologyHigh altitude, barometric pressure and partial pressure of oxygen at different altitudes, changes in the body at high altitude, mountain sickness, acclimatization, aviation physiology, space physiology. Deep Sea PhysiologyIntroduction, barometric pressure at different depths, effect of high barometric pressure nitrogen narcosis, decompression sickness, scuba. Effects of Exposure to Cold and HeatEffects of exposure to cold, effects of exposure to severe cold, effects of exposure to heat. Artificial RespirationConditions when artificial respiration is required, methods of artificial respiration. Effects of Exercise on RespirationEffects of exercise on respiration.